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Introduction Cards

These are large-print introductions, which are easily read, even in dark areas.

Standard Intro

Our performer this evening specializes in close-up magic.

He was voted Best Close-Up Magician at the Magic Castle™
in Hollywood by the Academy of Magical Arts two years in a row.

He is the only magician to have received both the
International Brotherhood of Magicians’ Gold Cups Award of Excellence
and the Society of American Magicians’ Gold Medal Award of Honor.

And, at the triennial International Federation of Magic Societies’ convention,
magicians from 47 countries around the world witnessed,
for the first time in the history of magic, the Grand Prix,
magic’s highest honor, being awarded to a close-up magician.
This magician.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the close-up magic of
World Champion Magician...
Johnny Ace Palmer!


Brief Intro

Our performer this evening specializes in close-up magic.

He was the first Close-Up Magician to be awarded the
Grand Prix Award from the International Federation of Magic Societies.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the close-up magic of
World Champion Magician...
Johnny Ace Palmer!


Comedy Intro

Our performer this evening specializes in close-up magic.

He was the first Close-Up Magician to be awarded the
Grand Prix from the International Federation of Magic Societies.

He was outstanding in Las Vegas!

He was outstanding in New York!

Right now, he's out standing in the hall!

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the close-up magic of
World Champion Magician...
Johnny Ace Palmer!



Phone: 714.373.8749 P.O. Box 2083, Huntington Beach, CA 92647

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